ccaaAgencija za civilno zrakoplovstvo. Djelatnost Agencije obuhvaća poslove vezane za sigurnost zračnog prometa, a osobito certificiranje, nadzor i inspekciju u cilju osiguravanja kontinuiranog udovoljavanja zahtjevima za obavljanje zračnog prijevoza i drugih djelatnosti u zračnom prometu, vođenje propisanih registara i evidencija te obavljanje drugih poslova utvrđenih Zakonom o zračnom prometu.


jaaThe Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) was an associated body of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) representing the civil aviation regulatory authorities of a number of European States who had agreed to co-operate in developing and implementing common safety regulatory standards and procedures.


jaa-logbookFast, easy and intuitive user interface, Meets all JAA and Austrocontrol requirements, Fully compliant to JAR-FCL1.080/ZLPV §118 (logging of flight times), Printouts of this logbook can be presented to the authorities for renewing your liceneses, All times and sums will be calculated automaticaly


smart-cockpitThe most extensive online aviation resource to worldwide professional pilots. We desire to spread the undeniable ideas that ‘knowledge is useless unless you share it’ and ‘more aviation knowledge means less accidents’.


weatherMETAR, TAF, SIGMET, NOTAM, SWC, Rainfall Radar, USAF, JEPPESEN Charts, Clouds & Percipitation



pilot-pointerPilot specific interest server. Easy access to a multitude of aviation related topics. Comprehensive, yet extremely easy to use.



ifalpaIFALPA is a non-political, non-profit making organisation which represents over 100,000 airline pilots represented by over 100 Member Associations from around the world



icaoPromotes understanding and security through cooperative aviation regulation.



skozSindikat kabinskog osoblja zrakoplova. Ovdje ćete naći vijesti vezane uz rad sindikata, događanja u Croatia Airlines i državi koja izravno ili posredno utječu na kabinsko osoblje, download svih bitnih dokumenata, kao i kontakt formular Izvršnog Odbora sindikata


ppruneThe Professional Pilots Rumour Network (PPRuNe) is an aviation website dedicated to airline pilots and those who are considering a career as a commercial…



airbusAirbus A-320 je moderni uskotrupni putnički zrakoplov srednjeg doleta. Poznat je i kao prvi linijski putnički zrakoplov u koji je ugrađena napredna “fly-by-wire” tehnologija uz pomoću koje se zrakoplovom upravlja putem elektronskih impulsa.


q400The new Q400 NextGen turboprop airliner is the next step in the continuing evolution of the Q400 aircraft



icingThis web site contains free icing training courses and resources for pilots who want to learn more about aircraft icing and what they can do about it.



aipWelcome to the portal of the European AIS Database’s (EAD) public access solution, EAD Basic. EAD is a centralised reference database of quality-assured aeronautical information for airspace users and an integrated AIS solution for service providers, provided by the EUROCONTROL Member States.


statutStatut Hrvatskog sindikata prometnih pilota



pravilnikPravilnik o radnom vremenu članova posade zrakoplova



punomocPunomoć članova HSPP za glasanje i zastupanje na skupštinama.